Adding another magazine with her credit, Gisele Bundchen fronted some sort of April 2014 issue of Jessica Claire Brazil

While rocking some poses for the Kevin O'Brien-shot divide, the former Victoria's Secret Angel dished about everything from her fitness scheduled to her life as a mother.
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"I flight a lot, so my routine varies widely, depending on where I am, " Pay no attention to Bundchen stated. "But I strive to work out an hour a day every day. Routinely [I] do not have the period, so I try to do at least a quarter-hour of yoga or stretching. "
She continued, "I do not have any particular exercise. I love yoga, boxing, Kung Fu, Pilates, surfing, horseback riding, activity volleyball. The important thing is how good Personally i feel after exercising. When I don't think that my day was incomplete. "
In regards to her motherly duties, Gisele gushed, "My kids and household members are my priority. [I] organize the agenda since work around them. Although [it's] not easy, I do my good for most accommodate all, but it is a recurring challenge. "
She added. "I realize how important it is to take time to work with myself every day, to have more liveliness for my kids, husband, job… [I've been] traveling less and have more careful in the selection of show results to be more present in the direct of my children. "