At present, the automotive industry moving forward there are two main directions, a new energy vehicles, such as hybrids, electric vehicles and the other manifestations of broader, that is, smart cars, including telematics and smart in-car entertainment, popular drone also belong to this category in the near future.

This zhiqian, we for no driving of awareness and understand, most are and "five years complex five years" of Google no driving car project about, although last year July, domestic Internet giant Baidu also announced has started no driving car of development plans, but seems to until Qian two days, Li in 2015 IT leader Summit Shang said Baidu no driving car will Yu years launched of message, this a things only slightly has has some hope.
But even so, the industry concern about Baidu driverless cars, also is not as good as the music, Ali the same build Internet companies so much, the main reason is that no one here in any case driving the short term and could not become a reality, it is whoever it is is no exception.
The technical level, the unmanned fire short
On currently for, the home of no driving car development most also just stay in auxiliary driving system of stage, and real of no driving is also no consistent of solution programme, now industry of common direction has two species, a is relies on car networking, through car and car Zhijian of networking and the data interactive to solution no driving of problem, another a is relies on advanced of sensor, to let car achieved real-time judge State then to out decision, also has including artificial intelligence, and high precision map, Or rely on elements such as base stations to provide appropriate signals and how, et cetera.
And this inside of technology problem can on more has, like car networking, its for network delay sex of requirements is high, currently seems only 5 g to meet its needs, but 5G official commercial of time also have has several years; and sensor aspects, although technology Shang nothing problem, but cost too high, Google no driving car Shang by used all sensor added in with cost on up to 200,000 dollars, this also not including other, more alone its used of including car top 64 line laser radar such of top technology, itself also very vulnerable, Even top was bad, in this way, while Google's self-driving cars are on their way, but it's just a temporary programmes extremely accommodating.
Also, artificial intelligence this a on more is road resistance and long has, after all to let machine for world has cognitive capacity, also to in very short of time within should different of situation to out corresponding of reaction, this is a vast of engineering, and car relies on camera collected and image processing technology to to out programme of way, in complex changeable of environment Xia was on not mark, this also alone for different of traffic situation also has different of situation and requirements--unless is everyone has has a unified of agreement, then based on this established out a data model, To cut in, otherwise, the mere addition to give the machine a complete logical enough abstract artificial intelligence is enough to make unmanned dream was again delayed.
It is worth mentioning here is that Baidu to do is not all-weather roads and Google's self-driving, but still need to cooperate with unmanned, at least it is necessary to make decisions and develop before it can be translated into instruction. In essence, also belong to the auxiliary drive. At present, a variety of automobile, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and already has a driver assistance functions, even individual manufacturers can already make cars in a simple automatic driving conditions, this drone industry, while still some distance, but it has to be the best result.
Humanities, unmanned has just started
As with many future technologies, people always want, wait and see. Drone is not exception.
Even current Google driverless cars commercial use, but able to deal or no deal is likely or not to buy, as security remains to be seen, after all, can you promise not to bump into other people, but there is no guarantee that others will not hit you, or if there was somewhere on the streets of China touch porcelain man or woman cross the road? Also, compare Smartphone explosion may occur, car safety has much to, accidentally in a passing crash, this not a brush machine and installed the patch will solve, in short, would first eat crabs do not no, but certainly limited, at least you can't expect him to promote development of the industry. Paul Frank iPad Air Case
The best way, which is now being done, implementation scenarios, unmanned, automatic parking, such as cruise control, supplemented by the driver control, gradually extended to more scenarios and environments, and finally completely unmanned – on a human level, unmanned is not an overnight thing.
Also, also has is need consider of is legislation problem, has always yilai, high-speed development of technology and slow of legal construction are is a to harmonic of contradictions, and currently also no any a national allows no driving car in public road road driving, although United States in last year on launched has new of car grading manual, which 4 level on set to has full automation driving of car, but it only has reference meaning, and cannot as Regulations Ordinance. And before the law is not perfect, drone can only stay in the wrong drivers accountable for driver assistance phase, not really integrated into the transport system.
Internet car, Rob was auto parts manufacturer cake
Back to Baidu, Baidu in the related statement, the most noteworthy of its own does not manufacture cars, but combined with third party Depot, although don't know exactly what, but it seems that Baidu Google and does not intend to go the same way.
Baidu should or should not make cars? Reasonable, it should not, but a lot of people who have this view but there is a common misconception--that these Internet companies Baidu to compete the entire auto industry, but in fact, only automotive electronic parts makers to compete with them. Paul Frank iPad Air Case
Usually we said car technology more fine pointed complex, can actually most and whole Depot is has nothing to do of, especially in car electronic aspects, spare parts suppliers by master of technology and importance to far is greater than whole Depot, after all which is to out technology solution programme of specific enterprise, and car electronic industry of two big giant Bosch and city is early began has no driving aspects of research, so, regardless of is do car of Google, also is not do car of Google, After they get into the auto industry's main rival, was not the entire Depot, but spare parts supplier.
Certainly has, Internet company for car industry of invasion, in is big degree Shang on which is a good, because most can let a industry development of factors, actually are is foreign things, Internet elements of joined, also let car this more than 100 years of history has opportunities glow new of vitality, and believes with auxiliary driving of in-depth, and car networking of development, and artificial intelligence, technology of breakthrough, no driving car will to car industry and once evolution of unification identity, in soon Hou real came to we of side.
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